

Sometimes I really, really love the people that come into our office. One of our clients informed me a bit back that he used to be a big runner. I believed him, of course. But it wasn't until he brought in an old news article and started chatting with me about marathons and his old school tiger racing flats that I realized he was definitely not kidding.


There is a distinct problem with being open with everyone and telling them about how much I love running and how great running is and running running runningrunningrunningrninunnging.

Basically, it's pretty obvious what I think about all day long. And some clients appreciate that and tend to ask me how my training is and when my next race is and so on. Unfortunately, my little injury has made these questions seem more like mental/emotional torture than anything else.

So, back to my story, this client comes in and asks if I'm back to running yet. Yea yea, a little here and there.

"Well, you know, you need to get back in shape fast so you better start cranking out those miles... you know what? You should just go out there and do quarters. Or better yet, hill repeats - no one ever gets hurt going UP a hill." - Sarcasm rocks.

For some reason, this struck me as hilarious. And a little humor goes a long way for me sometimes. Today was the first day I felt significant improvement with my hamstring and I've been looking forward to trying out a short 4.5 mile jaunt all day long. The minute I walk out this door today, I am driving to the gravel entrance of the greenway and I'm going to relive what its like to be a runner. Because really... once a runner, always a runner. It is a mindset loves.

1 comment:

  1. I remember when, back when you were in college, that running was the biggest chore for you. What changed everything?
